media-net-works moodle course Link to the Achill Island Community, a product of the project media-net-works yahoo group
sitemap | imprint
media-net-works logo


- Approach
- Objectives
- Workpackages
- Expected Results

Results / Products
Sample Modules (Scenarios)
Achill Community Platform
- Interactive Project Documentation
Nonverbal Module
Moodle an online course assistance
- media-net-works Flyer
- The projects yahoo group
- A study, usefulness of blogs in the project
- Media Literacy workshop in Brussels
- Internship Report
- ePortfolio Report
- Podcasting Report
- Presentation: "Training of intercultural communication competences in virtual
communities of learning"

- Project Meeting in Remagen, Germany 11 /05
- Project Meeting in Umeå, Sweden 09 / 2005
- European Action Stage (Project week Ireland)
- Coordinators Meeting Ireland 02 / 2005
- Managing Cultural Diversity Seminar 2004
- Project Meeting in Remagen 12 / 2004
- Project Meeting in Remagen 04 / 2004
- Kick off meeting

Press Overview


- Achill Island Arts
- University of Applied Sciences Fulda
- Grenaa Handelsskole
- Institute inter.research e.V.
- University of Applied Sciences Koblenz
- Umea Universitet
- Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
- University of Leon / Spain

- Flyer, Logo, .ppt Template

- contact adress
