Events > Kick Off Meeting at Achill Island
Kick Off Meeting
The meeting was hosted by our Irish Partner AIACLA (Achill Island Arts and Cultural Links Alliance), represented by Sean Cannon.
Back row: Veronica Colwell (Spain), Indre Cesnakauskaite (Lithuania), Pat Shrimpton (Sweden), Thomas Berger (Germany), Simone Schlüter (Germany), Andrea Haas (Germany), Anne Fox (Denmark),
Sean Cannon (Ireland)
Front row: Andreas Faulstich (Germany), Arnold Schenk (Germany), Dr. Laurent Borgmann (Germany)
Key results of the meeting:
- Presentation of the project to representatives to the Irish Partner Community,
- Discussion and workshops about virtual communities of learning,
- Agreement about work plan and next project meeting,
- Discussion and brainstorming about potential learning projects for interaction stage,
- Planning of recruitment of pilot learners,
- Report and discussion about quality standards in E-Learning