What is media-net-works? News:
The aim of the project "Intercultural ICT-mediated Communication competencies as a key
to enable participation in a network society"
During the piloting of the training programme participants will be involved actively in building
and maintaining (moderating) their own transnational communities in order to share knowledge
and insights into political, social and cultural collective decision-making.
In order to train responsibility for these new media of exchange, participants will analyse existing
virtual communities and the discursive behaviour observed in these fora.
Short project descriptions and flyers in different languages:
- Concept and sample modules for a centralised intercultural online-training for European outgoing students
- A new version of the projects-flyer is available, it contains more about what has happenened up to now
This project is funded by the eLearning Initiative of the european commission.
The Commission is not responsible for the content of the web-site of the media-net-works project.
Financial Agreement number: 2003- 4639 /001-001 EDU-ELEARN