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Project Results > Project CDProject Documentation | Flyer | Video Impressions | VC4U | Nonverbal Module The results of the project are recorded on an interactive project CD-Rom

Cover of the project documentation CD
click to enlarge

Structure of the CD-Rom:

General Information
- Basic info on the project
- Flyer
- Video impressions

Any support? / Contact us
- How to use the CD-Rom
- Contact

Interaction stage and preparatory trainings
- The virtual community roleplay "VC4U"
- Multimedia modul on nonverbal
spacerintercultural communication

- To the learning platform (moodle)
spacer(described on this webpage)
- To the media-net-works webpage
- To the media-net-works yahoo group
spacer(described on this webpage)

Startscreen of the media-net-works documentation CD-Rom
Click to enlarge the Screenshot
of the CD-Rom startpage

The CD-Rom is an OpenSource Product, feel free to use it for your work.
You can order the CD-Rom for 6 Euro, please write a request to