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Project Results > Project CD

Project Documentation | Flyer | Video Impressions | VC4U | Nonverbal Module General informations - Video impressions

Overview of the four videos, click to enlarge
Overview of the four videos (enlarge)

Picture of the conducor in the train from Dublin to Westport, click to enlarge
Conducor in the train from Dublin to Westport (enlarge)

Train departure in Dublin, click to enlarge
Train departure in Dublin (enlarge)

The videos on the CD gives you some impressions of our first project meeting on Achill Island, Ireland.

You can see four short videos about the meeting and about Achill itself.

Video - Topics:
- the trainride to Achill
spacer(pics on the right)
- the project coorganisers
- some project activities
- impressions of Achill Island

The software to view the videos is also part of the
