Project Results > Moodle Learning Platform
Moodle Learning Platform:
Moodle is an internet-based platform to support courses e.g. in universities.
Concerning the learning platform for the “interaction stage” of the project,
the project consortium decided to use the open-source platform “moodle”.
The decision is based on the following main reasons:
the platform is open-source software, i.e. there are no license costs
there are a number of users already using the platform
the platform is based on a standard database (mySQL), i.e. it is possible to install the platform at standard
accounts of internet providers
the platform is easy to use and to administrate (enrollment of participants, adaption of layout etc.)
it offers very useful components in a modular way, such as
a weekly course outline
a forum with Email notification (depending on subscription)
a group calendar
wikis (supporting collaborative work on documents)
More about moodle at the developers page, on the right side you can find a very short description about the
moodle system. If you are interested, you can view a short Powerpoint presentation about the basic functionalities of moodle. The presentation was made for a project meeting.
To get a glimpse of our moodle system, please have a look at the following screens or view a
short Flash movie about our online course (size: 4.2 MB).