LIPS, Linguistic and Intercultural Preparation of Students for the workplace
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The Lips partner network includes 18 participating institutions from 8 different countries of the European Union.

German flagg University of Applied Sciences
Koblenz, Location Remagen,
Germany (project leader)
Belgian flagg EURO P.A.
Belgian flagg JEUNE - Entrepreneurs de
I'Union, Bruxelles, Belgium

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Lithuanian flagg Mykolo Romerio

Vilnius, Lithuania

German flagg University of Applied

Fulda, Germany

German flagg Global Brain Network
Fulda, Germany

German flagg ILT
Cologne, Germany

Swedish flagg Things English AB, Sweden

Swedish flagg Umeå Universitet
Umeå, Sweden

German flagg Institut inter.research e.V. Fulda, Germany   Spanish flagg Universidad de León
León, Spain

Hungarian flagg Pécsi

Pécs, Hungary

Italian flagg Universitá Cattolica
del Sacro Cuore

Milano, Italy

Italian flagg Visus Ottica de Elena
, Trieste, Italy

Lithuanian flagg Houses of Notaries
Vilnius, Lithuania

German flagg DAAD - Deutscher

Bonn, Germany

Spanish flagg FGULEM - La Fundatión
General de la Universidad
de Léon y de la Empresa
, Spain

For Project Members
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The project ended, look at our product section which will get bigger until the end of Oktober [more]

LIPS at the EXPOLINGUA fair[more...]
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