LIPS, Linguistic and Intercultural Preparation of Students for the workplace
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     Home > Partner > Things English A.B., Umeå Sweden
Swedish flagg Things English A.B., Umeå, Sweden


Things English A.B. is a small Swedish company with 6 employees. The main activities are the sale of books in English for children and young adults, consultancy for schools and libraries and translation work from Swedish to English. The company will participate as a potential host company for international exchange students of the project and will contribute its partner network in Sweden to the valorisation strategy of the project.

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The project ended, look at our product section which will get bigger until the end of Oktober [more]

LIPS at the EXPOLINGUA fair[more...]
Video introduction

Video introduction of Neville Shrimpton

Click on the picture to get a short video introduction of Neville Shrimpton from Things English in Sweden

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