LIPS, Linguistic and Intercultural Preparation of Students for the workplace
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Events Overview

spacerMonitoring Meeting (10/07)
spacerFinal LIPS Project meeting (08/07) spacer
Start of the second run of the online course (04/07)
spacerStart of the first online course (12/06)
spacerProject meeting in Vilnius / Lithuania (10/06)
spacerProject meeting in Remagen / Germany (05/06)
spacerReception of the regional LIPS project partners in Fulda / Germany (12/05)

spacerFace to Face Kick-off meeting (12/05)
spacerThe virtual gathering (11/05)




For Project Members
- Workpackages
- LIPS Logo
The project ended, look at our product section which will get bigger until the end of Oktober [more]

LIPS at the EXPOLINGUA fair[more...]
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