LIPS, Linguistic and Intercultural Preparation of Students for the workplace
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Project Meeting 11 - 13 May in Remagen (Germany)

During the LIPS Project meeting in Remagen May 06 Sixteen colleagues from all over Europe met for a three days project meeting in Remagen, Germany at the RheinAhrCampus.

They met in the framework of the European project LIPS. The project team is an interdisciplinary mix, i.e.  students, language teachers, computer specialists, researchers and company owners from all over Europe.

Get the Agenda as a pdf file Click here to get the Agenda of the meeting (.pdf file).

During the three days project meeting the team concentrated their work on the concept for the different online modules. They developed activity plans which will be translated in a real online activity using the Open Source learning platform “Moodle”.
In the online course innovative media applications such as “Podcasts” will be integrated to make learning more mobile or new application areas of photo stories will be explored. The meeting was also used to extend the project network. For example a closer cooperation with the international student organisation AIESEC has been agreed.

Working on the activity plans which will be translated in a real online activities

During the LIPS project meeting in Remagen May 06  During the LIPS Project meeting in Remagen May 06   
left picture: Anita Molnár, Vera Klopprogge and Laurent Borgmann
right picture: Laurent Borgmann, Karsten Kneese, Anne Fox and Rafael de Paz

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