LIPS, Linguistic and Intercultural Preparation of Students for the workplace
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     Home > Partner > ILT - Integrierte Lern-Technologie GmbH, Cologne, Germany
German flagg ILT - Integrierte Lern-Technologie GmbH, Cologne, Germany

Logo ILT

ILT Integrierte Lern-Technologie GmbH stands for the strategic development, production, integration and evaluation of professional and multi-media based training solutions.
The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of iTrain plc, England. ILT is specialised in trainings for Software-Rollouts, languages and products. One of their main competencies is to setup complete Blended Learning strategies in companies to supply a successful language-training.

ILT will provide expert advice to the network partners and support the consortium in the development of valorisation strategies of project results as a strategic partner.

Contactperson: Claudia Glander

For Project Members
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The project ended, look at our product section which will get bigger until the end of Oktober [more]

LIPS at the EXPOLINGUA fair[more...]
Video introduction

Rainer Illing Claudia Glander

Click on the picture to get a short video introduction of the LIPS project partner Rainer Illing and Claudia Glander.

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