LIPS, Linguistic and Intercultural Preparation of Students for the workplace
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     Home > Partner > Global Brain Network, Fulda, Germany
German flagg Global Brain Network, Fulda, Germany

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Global Brain Network GmbH is a young enterprise in the area of e-business. Peter Krug has developed a tool called FOOXX which helps institutions and enterprises to search the web more efficiently. Several international exchange students have already worked at his company.

Some of them are helping him meanwhile to distribute the search engine software in their home regions/countries. Global Brain Network will contribute his experiences to the development of the online course and will support the pilot runs and the valorisation strategy.

For Project Members
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The project ended, look at our product section which will get bigger until the end of Oktober [more]

LIPS at the EXPOLINGUA fair[more...]
Video introduction

Peter Krug

Click on the picture to get a short video introduction of the LIPS project partner Peter Krug.

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