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     Home > Partner > Universitá Cattólica del Sacro Cuore Milano, Italy
Italian flagg Universitá Cattólica del Sacro Cuore Milano, Italy

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Universitá Cattólica del Sacro Cuore Milano was founded in 1924 and holds a staff of ca. 7000 and a total enrolment of 40405 students. The University delivers 32 degree courses, 46 diploma courses and 49 Master schools within 13 faculties. Further, UCSC is running many International Programmes like Socrates/Erasmus (170 partner Institutions), Tempus, Leonardo, Alfa, Lingua and Esprit. The Cognitive Psychology Laboratory of the Department of Psychology does research on thinking and learning processes activated by computer use for pedagogical aims.

Research is focused on hypertext navigation, virtual reality immersion and ODL learning processes. Dorina Angelescu is the European Programms Coordinator at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano. She has gained inside knowledge regarding multi-national projects and ECTS as well as quality benchmarking. With close ties to the Laboratory she is also able to contribute research results and good practices in the area of e-learning and continuing education. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano will take care of two different areas. Because of its worldwide network it will contribute to the valorisation strategy of the project. Further, the university will contribute the above mentioned results and good practices in the area of e-learning and curriculum development.

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