LIPS, Linguistic and Intercultural Preparation of Students for the workplace
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     Home > Partner > JEUNE - Entrepreneurs de l'Union, Bruxelles, Belgium
European Flag JEUNE, Jeunes Entrepreneurs de l'Union Européenne, Bruxelles, Europe

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JEUNE is an umbrella organisation representing young craftsmen and young entrepreneurs of SMEs in the European Union. Founded in February 1994, it is currently composed by
7 Associations from 5 Member States, comprising approximately 100.000 entrepreneurs. These Associations are groups giving voice to the interests and the needs of young craftsmen and young entrepreneurs of SMEs at national or regional level.

JEUNE has set up several aims containing e.g. to promote European and national initiatives relating to the specific interests of our members, specially concerning the promotion of entrepreneurship, and the creation and training of young enterprises and to co-ordinate and carry out transnational projects beneficial to young craftsmen and young entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Dr. Ludger Fischer is General Director of Jeune and advisor in the area of sector policies at UEAPME (Union Européene de L'Artisanat et des petites et moyennes enterprises ). JEUNE will contribute to the methodology and the content of guidelines for supervisors of enterprises. JEUNE will contribute its network to allow access to SMEs and will contribute to the valorisation strategy of the project as a transfer partner.

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Video introduction

Ludger Fischer

Click on the picture to get a short video introduction of the LIPS project partner Dr. Ludger Fischer.

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