LIPS, Linguistic and Intercultural Preparation of Students for the workplace
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E.) Main Action Phases of the project

Period of time
Description of the phase
Oct05 - Feb06 Specification of requirements of target groups and participating organisations and identification of the “key communicative situations in the work place”
(Needs and Framework Analysis - Workpackage 3:
Umeå University)
Nov05 23/24 First Plenary Project Meeting in Remagen , Germany (followed by Managing Cultural Diversity Seminar (25/26/27 Nov 2005)
Hosted by Project Coordinator University of Applied Sciences, Koblenz
Mar06 - Aug06 Design specifications (Concept and Design of Online Course Modules - WP4: Institute inter.research e.V.)
Apr06 - Sep07 Development of learning materials
(WP5: Mykolo Romerio University)
Sep06 - Aug07 Test Run of Online Course Modules
(WP6: Pecsi Tudomanyegyetem)
Sept07 6-9 Second Plenary Project Meeting in Brussels, Belgium
Hosted by Partner “Jeune Entrepreneurs


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