Institut inter.research e.V.

Institut für interdisziplinäre Forschung - inter.research e.V.

About us

The Institute inter.research e.V. is a non-profit association, which acts as a link between different academic disciplines and between academic and non-academic organisations. It was founded in 1999 with support of the University of Applied Sciences Fulda and a regional Software Company. Members of the Associations are from the academic as well as enterprise area. The institute has gained experiences in a number of interdisciplinary projects at regional and international level in the areas of Computer Mediated Education, Human Computer Interaction and University/enterprise mobility.

Responsive image

from left to right: Hans-Dieter Alt (Treasurer), Christina Langdorf (Board member), Lars Bornemann (Head of Management Board), Deniz Arican (new member in 2019), Thomas Berger (Director of On-line-Academy and mobility programmes), Sonja Hümmer (new member in 2019), Prof. Dr. Claudia Wiesner (Board member), Prof. Dr. Karim Khakzar (President of University Fulda and 2nd Head of Management Board) Thomas Berger.