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Events > European Action Stage - vc4u Project week | Welcome Reception | vc4u | BID| Trace of Emmigration |Final Presentations

Virtual Community for You (vc4u), Workshop Decription
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The aim of the VC4U workshop was to establish the virtual community
( ) on Achill Island as a case study for
the design of virtual communities. To achieve this aim the international
workshop team cooperated with Achill inhabitants. Meetings were held
with Achill Tourism, the Achill IT-Centre and with a former participant of
the Archaeological Field School , who is involved in socioeconomic research
on Achill.
At Achill Tourism ( ) students learned e.g.
about the importance of local festivals for the tourism on the island and
we discussed the idea of using the virtual community to promote such
events. At the Achill IT-Centre we explored the use of the virtual
community as a learning tool in IT-courses of the centre. In the context
of the Archaeological Field School ( )
the idea of using the virtual community for alumni-work was developed.
The concept of the virtual community was also presented to a marketing
course in Achill Sound and at the Clare Island Development Office.
Acording to the annotations and suggestions the people on Achill
made during the meetings, the concept and functionality of the virtual
community was adapted.
In cooperation with the people from Achill we developed the
following “mission statement”:

Lets use the virtual community to get in touch and keep in touch with:
- each other
- visitors who have fallen in love with Achill Island and its people
- what is happening on Achill .

The results of the workshop were presented at the final event of the week and further cooperation especially with the Achill IT-centre was agreed.
Thomas Jöckel and Thomas Berger
[Back to Page 1, the community idea]

Participants of the vc4u workshop

Sebastian presents the platform to a marketing teacher at Achill