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Events > European Action Stage Project week | Welcome | vc4u | BID| Trace of Emmigration |Final Presentations
Dr. Laurent Borgmann thanked the Achill people
Dr. Laurent Borgmann thanked the
Achill people

Impressions of the farewell party and the final presentation

The farewell party and the final presentation of the workshop results
took place on Friday, 11 th of February 2005. All students, the
coordinators and many people from Achill who had participated in
one of our workshops were present.
Dr. Laurent Borgmann thanked the Achill people for their interest in our
project, their inspiring ideas and their active participation in our
workshops. After a traditional Irish dance, performed by pupils from the
local school, every workshop team presented their final results.

The following pictures will give you an impression of this final
presentations and the farewell party.

Achill visitors of the Final Presentation
An Irish Dance
An Irish Dance

Achill visitors of the Final Presentation
Achill visitors of the Final Presentation

View some more pictures
