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What is ShopLab?

Available Information in: [Deutsch] [Greek] [Française]

"Project completed in 2004, website archived at this date"

ShopLab is a research Network for the Test and Design of Hybrid Shop Environments based on Multimodal Interface Technologies. It is part-funded by the European Union and unites a multidisciplinary team of universities, research institutes and IT companies, in addition to a shop design agency.

ShopLab will develop and test a "ShopLab toolbox", comprising new solutions for the retail sector of small to medium sized inner-city shops. It will make use of new technologies to integrate "real world" physical shops with the "virtual world" of Hypermedia and the Internet in a mutually complementary manner, thereby resulting in truely hybrid shopping environments.

ShopLab's design and development process emphasises user participation in "model shops" located in France, Germany, and Switzerland.
Please feel free to interact with us online or at one of our "points of physical presence" in Basel, Fulda, Hamburg or Remiremont.

  Here you can find some special information for: Shop Owners, Consumers, Industrial Community and Scientists

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