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Special information for Consumers



The ShopLab project concentrates on flexible and feasible solutions for a wide range of small and medium-size shops.

It does so by using the latest hardware and software technology, interface technology, shop construction and design, and multimedia content design.

develops novel hybrid shop environments that combine the advantages of real world shopping environments with the possibilities of computer technology.

ShopLab merges real objects found within retail outlets with virtual elements.

The resulting hybrid shop environments support multi-modal interaction and stimulate multiple human senses.


The proposed solutions increase comfortability by saving time and igniting imagination. They also provide more complete information on the product and thus improve consumer confidence.

Model shops at different European locations can be visited early in 2004.

We recommend following webpages for customers:

- Short project overview
- Our modelshops in Europe
- Press clippings around the project
- Some pictures around the project

For an overview of our pages, please look at the sitemap.

If you need more information feel free to contact us!

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