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Special information for Shop Owners > Page 1

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  ShopLab combines the much valued experience of real world shopping with the excitement of digital technologies.

It creates a
unique mixed environment, where buyers are able to "customize" their preferences in ways hardly imaginable up to now.

What ShopLab offers in particular is culture specific design of interfaces and interspaces integrated in the hybrid shop environments.

Using the "ShopLab toolbox" (consisting of flexible modules for the design and configuration of innovative hybrid retail shops) owners of small and medium shops will be able deploy new e-Commerce technologies tailored to the needs of their shops.

The developed mixed environments strengthen competitiveness of retail shops.


Combining 'the virtual' with 'the real' in hybrid shop environments will overcome the existing limits of already established e-Commerce outlets.

An additional value is the enhancement of customer loyalty through the increased possibility for customization and user involvement.

We recommend the following webpages for shop owners:

- Short project overview
- The project members
- Our modelshops in Europe

For an overview of our pages, please look at the sitemap.

If you need more information feel free to contact us!

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