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Special information for Scientists



A multi-disciplinary approach is at the core of the ShopLab project.

Different disciplines are involved, including hardware and software interface design, shop construction and design, multimedia application design, usability and user acceptance test design, and intercultural communication design.

Major goal is the enhancement of cooperation and networking among European scientists.

A significant innovative feature of the project is the development of novel human computer interfaces and the subsequent systematic assessments of human-computer interaction issues through experimental work.


In the ShopLab project users have the opportunity to express their needs and influence the design process from an early stage.

The presentation of user-focussed design and usability test results is one of the major goals at the end of the project.

We recommend the following webpages for scientists:

- Short project overview
- Our modelshops in Europe
- Press clippings around the project
- MPEG4 (and our project)
- Workpackages of the project
- XML (and our project)

For an overview of our pages, please have a look at our sitemap.

If you need more information feel free to contact us!

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