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Technologies > MPEG4



What is MPEG4?

  MPEG-4 is an ISO/IEC standard developed by MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group), the committee that also developed the Emmy Award winning standards known as MPEG-1 and MPEG-2. These standards made interactive video on CD-ROM and Digital Television possible. MPEG-4 is the result of another international effort involving hundreds of researchers and engineers from all over the world.  

MPEG-4, whose formal ISO/IEC designation is ISO/IEC 14496,was finalized in October 1998 and became an International Standard in the first months of 1999. The fully backward compatible extensions under the title of MPEG-4 Version 2 were frozen at the end of 1999, to acquire the formal International Standard Status early in 2000. Some work, on extensions in specific domains, is still in progress.


Why and for what do we use MPEG4?

The MPEG4 standard will be used whenever approbriate in the interfaces between the ShopLab Core
Platform and the modules, like the Virtual Mirror.


Links to MPEG 4 relevant informations

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