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Project Results > Scenarios > Example Modules

Example Modules

[Sample Scenarios] [Examples] [Elaborate Scenarios]

1.) Example Module A: Practical Behaviour Training
”Borrowed Identities” – Empathy training

1. “Fishing for smiles …”
students learn how they can create positive responses from members of the target community. This should be combined with “What I really like about your country …” students make lists of things they like about their target country in order to prepare concrete conversation pieces for small talk

2. “It is not what you say …”
students do register exercises, translating what they have to say not into another language but into another tone

3. “A day in the life of …”
students go on a real or virtual “shadowing” programme and try to adopt somebody else’s perspective for a limited time

4. “Every coin has two sides …”
students look at aspects of their target country which they are not likely to like and find good reasons why this unfamiliar structure/rule makes good sense

5. “All the worlds is a stage…”
students consider their personality and make plans how they can use their stay abroad to try out slightly different roles in life

2.) Example Module B: Theoretical Awareness Training
Understanding Culture & Cognitive Training

6. “One thing at a time …”
students test themselves to find their personal position on a personality scale between “monochronic” and “polychronic”. The results are compared with national stereotypes

7. “As time goes by …”
by asking each other specific questions about time management students explore each other’s different attitudes to time in different European countries

8. “Culture as the software of the mind …”
in forums and chats students share their perceived parallels between computer software and our “social software”
- culture and its “programmers”
- “incompatibilities” between cultures
- “updates” in culture

9. “Stepping into the lift …”
in field studies in their own countries students test and document the rules of proxemics and communication in an enclosed space - the lift
- distribution of space in an enclosed space
- non-verbal communication (e.g. eye contact)
- starting/sharing conversation (and greetings)

10. “That is not how I see it …”
with the help of short video recordings of typical situations in meetings students recognise indicators for adversarial and consensual meeting styles and argumentation

