Project Results > Modul: Nonverbal Communication
Non-verbal | Introduction | Szenario |Task | Theoretical Background | The Modules Theoretical BackgroundN.V.C.'s functions with reference to the linguistic communication
1. Paralinguístics concerns to the components that always accompany to the oral linguistic production (but there are not included in the traditional studies of Linguistics) We use to distinguish the tone, the timbre, volume and tempo.
2. N.V.C. as a complement of the linguistic communication
In most of the spoken communicative acts it appears a non verbal communicative component that works complementing, to greater or lesser degree, the content of the verbal communication, reinforcing it, contradicting it and organizing the content of the discourse.
3. N.V.C. as an alternative system to the linguistic communicaticon
It deals with the body acts (oral, gestures, movements, glazes, touches, body positions, distance among the participants) that function sometimes, alone or coordinated among themselves, as communicative entities autonomous, as alternatives to the linguistic communication.
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Theory, Behaviours, Influencing Factors, Goals