The Project
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June 2004
Presentation of the ShopLab Prototypes at the "Days of Research" in Fulda
June 2004
Presentation and Discussion of the Project and the mirror with physically disabled persons in June 2004
March 2004
ShopLab at the CeBIT 2004 in Hannover / Germany
30th March - 23th April 2004
Virtually Try on at Campe & Ohff in Berlin
15th March 2004
Presentation of the CeBIT-Prototypes "Interactive Mirror" and "Interaactive Shelf" at the FH Fulda (in english)
March 2004
Presentation of the "Interactive Shelf" a sports shop in Remiremont
28.01 - 10.03. 2004
Children University in Fulda
2-4 October 2003
IST Conference in Milano / Italy
1. Fuldaer Investorenforum, first investor forum in Fulda (Germany)
"Prototype Installation in Berlin"
Presentation of the CeBIT-Prototype "Virtual Mirror" at the FH Fulda (in english)
Präsentation des CeBIT-Prototyps "Virtueller Spiegel" an der FH Fulda (in german)