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Press Room > Events > Presentation of the CeBIT-Prototype "Virtual Mirror"


  Fulda, 06.03.2003
  Presentation of the CeBIT-Prototype "Virtual Mirror" to the press and the scientific community of the University of Applied Sciences Fulda.
  Shoplab Presentation The local (Fuldaer Zeitung) and the national (Deutsche Presse Agentur, dpa) press were informed about the objectives and the status of the shoplab project. Likewise present were several professors of the University of Applied Sciences Fulda who wanted to inform themselves about the project.The CeBIT-prototype of the "Virtual Mirror" was presented and its functionality was described. After the presentation all those present had the possibility to test the "Virtual Mirror" on their own.
Shoplab Presentation Shoplab Presentation Shoplab Presentation Shoplab Presentation


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