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  Events > Presentation and Discussion of the Project and the mirror with physically disabled persons


  On 17th June 2004 wie visited some physically disabled persons in Frankfurt at a second time (CeBeef).

A man in a rollchair in front of the interactive mirror

The ShopLab project and the “Interactive Mirror” were presented at a second time to a group of people with physical disability in Frankfurt, Germany (CeBeef).


ShopLab have already been there in August 2003.

The status and the objectives of the ShopLab project were explained. After the presentation everyone had the chance to use the “Interactive Mirror”.

After this there was a discussion about the ideas of ShopLab and the “Interactive Mirror” and about problems people with disabilities have when they go shopping.

At the End of the discussion it was clear, the disabled people really liked the application. It would be very helpful if such mirrors would be installed in cloth shops.
Usability-tests were made and recorded on video.

here you can find some more pictures


Thank you to:
CeBeef Frankfurt e.V.
Kontaktstelle für Körperbehinderte und Langzeitkranke Frankfurt

Thomas Jöckel
Marcus Feßler


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