LIPS, Linguistic and Intercultural Preparation of Students for the workplace
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Sitemap of the LIPS - Projekt Website

Short Description
A.) Language and intercultural training
spacerB.) The "European Twinning module" for working in a SME
C.) Cultural guidelines for the target groups
D.) Sample scenario (from the student’s point of view)
E.) Main Action Phases of the project

Workpackage Overview

Presentation of the LIPS - partnership

Partner Overview
Interactive Partnermap

University of Applied Sciences Koblenz, Germany
Euro P.A., Bruxelles, Belgium
JEUNE Entrepreneurs de I'Union, Bruxelles, Belgium
Mykolo Romerio Universitetas, Vilnius, Lithuania
University of Applied Sciences Fulda, Germany
Global Brain Network, Fulda, Germany
ILT - Integrierte Lern-Technologie GmbH, Cologne, Germany
Things English A.B., Umeå, Sweden
Umeå Universitet, Umeå, Sweden
Institute of interdisciplinary Research inter.research e.V, Fulda, Germany
University of León, Spain
Pécsi Tudományegyetem, University of Pécs, Hungary
Universitá Cattólica del Sacro Cuore Milano, Italy
Visus Ottica de Elena Pellaschiar, Trieste, Italy
The House of Notaries, Vilnius, Lithuania
DAAD - The German Academic Exchange Service, Bonn, Germany
FGULEM - La Fundación General de la Universidad de León y de la Empresa, Spain


spacerAbout the courses
spacerVideo clips
spacerOnline Course Two , starting April 2007
spacerOnline Course One, started December 2006
spacerLIPS project flyer
spacerStudents Guideline for internships abroad
spacerGuidelines of good practice for employers

spacerConference Talks
spacerLIPS articles and press clippings
LIPS Logos for Download
spacerProject Photos


spacerProject meeting in Vilnius / Lithuania (10/06)
spacerProject meeting in Remagen / Germany (05/06)
spacerReception of the regional LIPS project partners in Fulda / Germany
Face to Face Kick-off meeting in Remagen / Germany (11/05)
The virtual gathering (11/05)

Project Leader


For Project Members
- Workpackages
- LIPS Logo
The project ended, look at our product section which will get bigger until the end of Oktober [more]

LIPS at the EXPOLINGUA fair[more...]
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