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The Project > Project Members > University of Applied Sciences Fulda



University of Applied Sciences Fulda

  Location: Germany / Fulda
e-mail: Prof. Dr. Karim Khakzar
Logo FH Fulda
  The University of Applied Sciences in Fulda was founded in 1974. The Department of Computer Science was established in 1982 and was the first of its kind in the state of Hessia. Approximately 4000 students attend the University, with about 700 studying within the department of computer science. Courses offered by the department include digital systems, programming languages , data-base systems, software engineering, and system oriented courses (including operating systems, computer communication, etc.).


Further courses are available in the field of multimedia, including real-time multimedia systems, distributed multimedia systems, ergonomics/graphical user interfaces, multimedia programming, audio and video editing, online services and authoring tools.



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